Sweet Home


The means of restraint

The floodplain will flood
The floor plan and the anchoring scheme envisioned for Sweet Home. Assuming that the current has a direction parallel to that corresponding to the development of the floodplain embankment, the so-called stern chain will almost always be subject to tension, while the bow chain will have the function of limiting any drift and yaw of the vessel. Indeed, for a minimum length of 8.85 meters, this chain will have a length of 11 or 12 meters. The bow of the boat will therefore be facing the embankment in the event of flooding from the riverbed and flooding of the floodplain.

The arc of the circumference that the artwork could describe has been represented, depending on whether a stern chain of 11 or 12 meters is chosen, in the event of the arrival of the design flood, characterized by a return period of 200 years and inevitably, the maximum height achievable from the water level relative to the floodplain. In the event of less severe flood events, with a shorter return period, the circumference arc will have a reduced plan development, reducing the horizontal translation component required for the stern chain.