Catalogue raisonné in progress

Umberto Cavenago's website offers a journey through the crucial stages of his artistic research, presenting a selection of his works in precise chronological order. Each piece is accompanied by descriptions and images that not only illustrate the various locations and stages of realization but also the conceptual and creative context in which the work took shape. Complementing these images are texts written by authors and critics close to the artist, individuals who have shared his journey and offer personal and nuanced interpretations. These textual contributions enrich the understanding of the works, revealing the complexity and evolution of the artist's thought over the past decades.


A prova di scemo, 1990
Hot-dip galvanized steel
30 × 12 × 18 cm
Photo © Antonio Maniscalco
A sostegno dell'Arte I, 1990
Bleached galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
300 × 70 × 61 cm each
Trave, 1990
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
26 × 16 × 300/850 cm
Gru, 1990
Galvanized sheet, steel and aluminium
220 × 80 × 95 cm
Trave, 1990
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
49 × 27 × 850 cm
Paesaggio Marino, 1990
Galvanized sheet
190 × 30 × 300 cm
Photo @ Marco Mazzucconi
Veicolo, 1990
Fat pencil and acrylic on cardboard
21 × 15 cm
Veicolo a 12 ruote, 1990
Bleached galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
150 × 250 × 150 cm
Paesaggio marino, 1990
Galvanized sheet
250 × 400 × 120 cm

Da sinistra, Paesaggio marino, Natura morta e Ritratto

Photo © Giorgio Colombo, Milano
Disegno progettuale per "telescopico", 1990
Mixed media on paper
30 × 42 cm
Veicolo giallo, 1989
Acciaio verniciato
160 × 190 × 80 cm
Autobotte, 1989
Galvanized sheet and rope
Photo @ Bart Herreman
Voglia di treno, 1989
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
140 × 55 × 300 cm
Photo © Studio Blu
Pattini a rotelle, 1989
Galvanized steel
13 pairs from 34 to 46
Enduro, 1989
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and stainless steel
112 × 197 × 27 cm
4WS, 1989
Galvanized sheet and steel
Photo Giorgio Mussa
Sottiletta, 1989
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and stainless steel
182 × 186 × 12 cm
Photo © Studio Blu
Piedistallo, 1989
Galvanized sheet
45 × 210 × 210 cm
Enduro, 1989
Pastel and acrylic on paper
140 × 250 cm

Drawing of the project

Ritratto a figura intera, 1989
Pastello su carta
30 × 20

Schizzo progettuale per una cornice mobile

Motocicletta, 1988
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
110 × 210 × 30 cm
Photo © Giorgio Mussa
Moto, 1988
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
114 × 205 × 25 cm
Photo © Giorgio Mussa
Autobotte, 1988
Acrylic and pastel on canvas
Photo @ Bart Herreman
Half Ton, 1988
Aluminium, steel, white acrylic
220 × 200 × 300 cm

Installation at Gallery Studio Marconi 17, Milan

Photo © Studio Blu
Equestre, 1988
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
185 × 70 × 122 cm

Installation at "Castello di Rivara", Rivara, TO

Sottiletta, 1988
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
147 × 10 × 155 cm
A sostegno dell'Arte, 1988
Pencil on paper
18 × 18 cm
Camion a T, 1988
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and stainless steel
83 × 130 × 140 cm
Camion, 1988
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
132 × 77 × 180 cm
Photo © Umberto Cavenago
Gru, 1988
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and stainless steel
193 × 96 × 46 cm

Installation at Castello di Rivara

Photo © Studio Blu
Progetto per Half Ton, 1988
Ink on paper
18 × 18 cm

Drawing of the project for the installation at Studio Marconi 17, Milan

Gru, 1988
Galvanized sheet and steel
233 × 90 × 60 cm
Gregorio, 1988
Fat pencil and acrylic on cardboard
21 × 15 cm
Home, 1988
Fat pencil and acrylic on cardboard
21 × 15 cm
Progetto per Camion a T, 1988
Fat pencil and acrylic on cardboard
21 × 15 cm
Voglia di treno, 1988
Galvanized sheet, aluminium and steel
35 × 23 × 82 cm
Contenitore (con pietra squadrata), 1987
Galvanized sheet and travertine block
200 × 30 × 15 cm with 15 × 15 × 15 cm

Installation at "Castello di Rivara", Rivara, TO

Lo giuro, 1987
Galvanized sheet
138 × 80 × 80 cm
Contenitore (con pietra levigata), 1987
Lamiera zincata e pietra levigata
190 × 65 × 65 cm
Contenitore con segni di fuoco, 1986
Ceramic fiber, wood, lead, incandescent nickel chrome, electric transformer and acrylic
95 × 75 × 25 cm